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The Beam Equilibrium Stability and Transport (BEST) code is a three-dimensional, multi-species, nonlinear delta-f particle simulation code used for studying collective effects in high-intensity particle beams with applications to high-intensity accelerators, and ion-beam-driven high energy density physics. It has been developed by the Princeton beam dynamics group, and has been parallelized using the MPI protocol, and scales linearly up to 512 processors. The BEST code has been used to simulate the electron cloud instability in the Proton Storage Ring experiment at Los Alamos National Laboratory [1], as well as the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory [2], as well as collective instabilities driven by energy anisotropy in one-component intense charged particle beams [3].
[1] R. C. Davidson, H. Qin, P. H. Stoltz, and T. -S. Wang, "Kinetic Description of Electron-Proton Instability in High-Intensity Proton Linacs and Storage Rings Based on the Vlasov-Maxwell Equations," Physical Review Special Topics on Accelerators and Beams 2, 054401 (1999).
[2] R. C. Davidson, H. Qin, I. Kaganovich, and W. W. Lee, "Stabilizing Influence of Axial Momentum Spread on the Two-Stream Instability in Intense Heavy Ion Beams," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A464, 493 (2001).
[3] R. C. Davidson, M. Dorf, I. D. Kaganovich, H. Qin, A. B. Sefkow and Startsev, D. R. Welch, D. D. Rose, and S. M. Lund, “Multispecies Weibel Instability for Intense Charged Particle Beam Propagation Through Background Plasma”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 577, 70 (2007).